Sia’atoutai Theological College (STC) functions as a Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga¢s learning centered institution of quality theological and ministerial education. It offers graduate certificates and degrees that focus on ministerial and theological education, focusing in both the Christian and contextual traditions. The degrees are suited for students seeking formation and education as ministers, lay leaders, educators, counselors, activists, and scholars in primary and secondary Christian contexts.


The mission of STC is to train quality ministers of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga (FWC) at maximum student learning and contextual awareness, individual and communal development, high quality instruction and service, and Christian community enrichment.


To pursue the above mission, STC has adopted the following specific institutional purposes:

  1. Provide certificate and degree programs consisting of theological and ministerial education core and elective courses that satisfy theological and practical requirements of the Church and its agents
  2. Provide certificate and degree programs with courses that qualify students for employment in the church and beyond
  3. Provide theological programs that advance student achievement in critical biblical and theological reflections and studies
  4. Provide access points or pathways to higher studies in the Bible and Christian theology
  5. Provide excellent academic and support services that responsive to changing situations in the church and its surroundings
  6. Engage the church by ensuring public access to information and providing biblical and theological programs that address responsible citizenship, diversity, and improve the quality of life.
  7. Collaborate with stakeholders and higher education institutions to provide additional graduate instruction.
  8. Foster a critical and contextual-sensitive yet institutional environment that promotes the freedom of inquiry necessary for constructive learning and teaching

Institutional Objectives

STC expects its students to have:

  1. Personal affirmation of their faith in God the Father, Son, and Spirit
  2. Personal affirmation of their belief in Wesleyan tradition
  3. Critical understanding of their faith
  4. Constructive and transformative leadership skills in a changing world and context
  5. Collaborative knowledge of church ministry and mission
  6. Deliver quality awards that are sensitive to the changing social, political, economic, and environmental situations
  7. Appreciate multiracial and multicultural context of the church