The Board of studies, upon recommendation from the Faculty, may allow cross crediting of courses of other similar institutions as STC. The process of cross crediting will be considered according to these regulations:
The course to be cross-credited must:
- Carry a similar or equivalent title and content with the one offered at STC.
- Be of an institution that carries the accreditation of SPATS or any equivalent academic authorities.
- Course(s) sat and passed in a year exceeding that of ten years behind should not be eligible for cross crediting. Both of the above conditions applied.
- A substantial portion of the syllabus of the course to be cross credited must be sought from the student(s) under concerned to ensure fulfillment of section A, B, and C.
- The passing grade of the course must comply with STC’s Passing Grade Policy, which is 50% for Certificate and Diploma, 55% for Bachelor of Divinity, and 75% GPA for Bachelor of Divinity with Honours
- Course(s) to be cross credited must have been conducted in English if the approval is sought inside the STC Diploma in Theology and Bachelor of Divinity programs
- Cross-crediting to the Certificate program shall be at the discretion of the Board of Studies, on the recommendation of the Faculty Meeting
- Where a claim of cross-credit for a course fails proofs, the student(s) must prove himself by sitting a STC Standardized Examination. The examination must be piece(s) of assessment from disciplines respective to cross-credit courses.
- The results may or may not be decisive in this matter pending the Faculty’s recommendation.