Strategic Purpose Statement

The purpose of this qualification is to provide the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga and their agencies with people who are able to operate as creative senior administrators and leaders.

The qualification is stranded in order to recognize the specific area of knowledge and skills required in a variety of roles and contexts ranging from the administration of parish, teaching and researching religious education themes to holders of other roles of responsibility in theological schools as defined in the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga Constitution 2005 (Tohi Konisitutone Siasi Uesiliana Tau’ataina ‘o Tonga 2005) and the TNQAB & TQF Policies 2009, Part 2 ‘Qualification Characteristics’.

Graduates will benefit by having a qualification that recognises their advanced evaluation, research, leadership, administration and strategic management skills and knowledge; enhancing their employment opportunities, and/or ability work in a voluntary capacity in the church and their agencies.

Target Groups

This qualification is targeted at individuals who are ready to positions of managerial and senior leadership positions in a variety of roles. This qualification is also targeted at those who want to further their theological studies at postgraduate level; or for current practitioners, such as teachers or Religious Education, who want to upskill a particular area of Christian ministry.

Graduates will be able to apply in-depth theological and biblical study skills and knowledge to advice managerial and strategic decisions, is responsible for leadership and may supervise others.

Graduate Profile

Level of Study





4 Consecutive Years

Language of Study


Credit Points


Contact Hours

10hrs x 480

Graduate Profile Outcomes

Graduates will be able to:

  1. Analyse and apply an in-depth understanding of theology and biblical foundation in operational or research contexts
  2. Evaluate, review and respond to the pastoral, specialised and ethical responsibilities required of defined church ministry settings
  3. Apply management or administrative capability and leadership in a Christian ministry environment to make strategic decisions in a specified context
  4. Critically reflect on personal faith journey and professional development to refine own practice.

Graduates with Biblical Studies strand will also be able to:

  1. Research and critically evaluate the application of diverse biblical disciplines, methods and textual analysis to inform and develop a Christian community

Graduates with the Theological Studies strand will also be able to:

  1. Research and collate information on theological and relational topics as they apply to Tonga’s unique cultural communities, service organisations and society at large.
  2. Critically evaluate strategies that contribute to effective management and leadership in specified contexts.

Graduates with Pastoral Studies strand will also be able to:

  1. Integrate information of specific groups and apply skills to the specific role of pastor to critically analyse performance
  2. Identify opportunities that contribute to effective spiritual worship and pastoral care practices

Graduates with the Historical Studies strand will also be able to:

  1. Research and collate information on theological and relational topic as they apply to the Tongan unique cultural communities, service organizations and society at large.
  2. Critically evaluate strategies that contribute to effective management and leadership in specified contexts.

Qualification Pathways

  1. Education Pathway

This qualification may lead to entry in higher postgraduate Diploma and Masters in Theology

  1. Employment Pathway

Graduates will have the skills and knowledge to work in senior administrative and leadership positions as managers in a variety of occupations in Christian church and communities, Bible and theological schools, pastors, and ordained ministers at the church.


  1. Applicants must have a minimum qualification of Tonga National Form Seven Certificate
  2. Must prove themselves competent in both speaking and writing English as a Second Language
  3. Hold a academic degree or diploma from a recognized institution
  4. Have passed the Sia’atoutai Diploma in Theology (with all courses at 55% or more) or equivalent award from an institution accredited by SPATS or equivalent body
  5. Have qualifications judged by the Board of Studies to be equivalent to one of the above


  1. This is a four (4) years residential program
  2. An extension approval, based on special circumstances, must be sought, from the Board of Studies, only to a maximum of six (6) consecutive years
  3. A Leave of Absence is available only for one (1) academic year.
  4. This program of study expires in 6 years of incompletion omitting the year where a Leave of Absence would have been granted

Eligibility for the Award

  1. All candidates must pass every course at a minimum credit point of 8.25 (55%)
  2. Must achieve a minimum of D grade from his or her written research thesis (equivalent of 90 credit points).
  3. All assessment tasks must comply with the Assessment Policies of the College
  4. Failure in the program with a minimum of 120 overall credit points qualifies to a Diploma in Theology Level 5

Bachelor of Divinity Course Descriptions

Biblical Studies

BS711 Exploring the Bible

This unit is designed to develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of biblical history and literature in relation to the social and cultural context of ancient Israel and the early church, its variety of genres and key biblical and theological themes

BS712 Greek Grammar I

This course is designed to enable students to learn the basics of Greek grammar and syntax and be acquainted with basic Greek noun and verb paradigms. Provides the skills for reading and translating the Greek New Testament and the basis for developing exegetical competence.

BS 713 Hebrew Grammar I

This unit is designed to familiarize students with the basics of biblical Hebrew.

BS724 Greek Grammar II

This unit picks up where Greek I finishes and enable students to analyze the deep structure of the New Testament Greek

BS725 Hebrew Grammar II

This unit is designed to enable students to recognize, understand and analyze biblical Hebrew grammar

BS716 Torah: Covenant, Promise & Land

This unit is designed to explore and analyse the biblical and theological nature of covenant, promise, and land in the books of the Torah through a close reading of selected passages with attention paid to the history of their interpretation and application.

BS727 Prophets: Protest, Justice and Hope

BS728 Gospels: Power & Identity

This unit is designed to enable students to explore the relationship of social location and identity to ideologies of oppression in the gospel.

BS739 Writings: Migration, Exclusion & Embrace

This unit is designed to enable students to explore the social and historical structure of the Ketuvim and to critically articulate how that structure portraits images of migration, exclusivism, and embrace.

BS740 Epistles: Community & Discipleship

This course is designed to enable students to explore and analyse the Pauline models of community and discipleship and their relationships in the Epistles

BS741 Reading Scriptures in Tonga

This unit is designed to expose the missionary blind spots of mainline hermeneutical and exegetical practices in order to name and develop local approaches and methods of reading Scriptures in Tonga.

BS742 Interpreting the Bible

BS743 Gospel and Culture

This course is designed to enable students to explore and evaluate different modes of cultural interactions between the gospel and its cultural context.

Studies of Theology and Ethics

TH711 Doing Theology in/from Tonga TH732 Theology Across Borders

This course is designed to allow students to explore and understand the landscape, field, and development of theological studies in history and in Tonga. It enables students to do critical theological thinking and reflection on public and contextual issues pertaining to the Tongan context.

TH712 Grounding Ethics in Tonga TH731 Gender, Personality and Art

This course is designed to enable students to explore the history and theories of ethics in relation to the essence of Christian ethic. It allows students to critically evaluate biblical and theological moral principles against a Tongan moral perspective and religious context.

TH713 God, Humanity in/and Creation

This course is designed to explore the being and nature of the triune God, facilitate with biblical overview of the person and ministry of the Triune God in creation and providence, and articulate the problem of evil and sin with particular focus on issues related to the relationship of human and creation.

TH714 The Bible and Decision Making in Tonga

TH725 Faiths in the Public Space

This course is designed to enable students to explore and critically evaluate how theology is understood and could serve the needs of those outside the academic spaces. It also engages students on critical analysis and dialogue with other faiths.

TH716 Wesleyan Theologies in the 21st Century

This course is designed to enable students to explore the landscape of the 21st century Wesleyan theology and to critically evaluate Wesley’s understanding of Christian Perfection and personal holiness from a postmodern perspective

TH728 Bioethics

This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth introduction of bioethical thinking and surrounding ethical issues. It also enables students to evaluate those issues from a Tongan theological perspective.


TH739 Tongan Eco-theology

This course is designed enable the student to develop personal and social awareness and critical responses to “nature” and to problems arising from the human-nature interaction. It also allows the student to review and reflect upon established theological approaches towards Climate change.

TH740 Theology, Media, and Technology

This course surveys the field of media ecology, as well as identifying the workings of media in relation to culture. The goals and values, organization, and potential for constructing reality will be discussed with reference to the local church or other Christian ministry. Emphasis will be placed on the interpretation of specific examples of media and the manner in which those examples shape one’s view of reality.

TH741 Gender, Personality and Art

This course is designed to train students to explore and appreciate cultural impacts on human personality and to review and evaluate biblical and theological streamline approaches

TH742 Theology Across Borders

This course enables students to explore and evaluate important trends in theology today, particularly ones that go beyond cultural and religious borders.

Study of History

HS711 Study of History

HS722 Story of Christianity and Empire

This course is designed to enable students to explore, examine, and analyse the relationship between the development of Christian Church and the empire richness of the early Christian tradition and the prevalence of power during the first and fifth centuries.

HS 713 Christianity in Oceania

The course is designed to enable students to explore, examine, and analyse the history of Christianity in the Pacific in context of change and continuity over a period of Two hundred years.

HS 724 Methodism in Tonga: First 200 Years

This course is designed to enable students to explore and evaluate the historical development of Methodist faith in Tonga 


HS735 Religion in Tonga

This course is designed to enable students to critically explore and evaluate varieties of religious movements in Tonga

HS 736 Methodist Theology and Ethics

The course is designed to provide an overview of the doctrine of the Methodist theology

HS 737 Missionary Wives and Natives Missionary 

HS 738 Tongan Bible Translations

HS 739 Wesleyan Education: History and Development

Practical Theology

Core Courses

PS711 Human Development

This course is designed to allow student to explore and acquire in-depth knowledge and critical reflection on physical and mental development of humanity

PS722 Introduction to Practical Theology

This course is designed to enable students explore and evaluate the historical, biblical and theological foundations of pastoral care and counseling.

PS713 Mission, Evangelism & Empire

This course is designed to allow students to explore and evaluate the nature of evangelism in postcolonial thinking

PS724 Homiletics: Theory & Practice

This course is designed to enable students to explore and evaluate theories and practice of Bible reading and preaching.


PS735 Dynamics of Ministry: Children, Youth & Elderly

The study of Dynamics Ministry on Children, Youth and Elderly allow student to develop skills in serving God people.  Students learn various principles and aspects of Ministry to the Children, Youth and Elderly in the church and the community. Also students must be equipped to be a responsive Christian.  

PS736 Church and Society

This course will provide students with a framework for engaging the community.  Students will learn principles and strategies for church and individual community involvement and development. 

PS737 Christian Education: Theories & Practice

This course is designed to enable students to explore and evaluate theories and practical components of Christian education in the local church (FWCT)

PS738 Ministry Today

This course is designed to enable students to explore and map the nature and forms of contemporary church ministry

PS739 Globalization and Mission

PS740 The Church in a Culture of Technology

PS741 Ministry to Street Children

PS742 Refugees, Conflicts and Humanitarian Responses