a)   Sia’atoutai Committee

STC functions under the leadership and direction of the Sia’atoutai Committee – a committee legitimated by the FWCT’s General Conference. The task of this committee is well defined in the FWC Constitution Part 7/3/F. Part of this task involves responsibilities that start from selecting of students and courses to be taught in the college to financial and daily operations of the college. The well being of the college community relies on the wisdom of this committee.

The Committee meets no less than once in four months in compliance with the constitutional mandate. However the normal practice has to be on every second Wednesday of each month. It is through the wisdom of the meeting that the Committee ensures from time to time proper functioning of the college and in accordance to its statement of purpose.

The members of the Committee are being mandated in the Constitution (See FWC Constitution Edition 1995, Part7/3/F/1) with additional members named annually by the Church Conference. Members of the committee must be representatives of different sectors of the Church including the Principal and the Head Tutor of STC, representatives from the STC Ex-Students Body.

Members of the Committee:

1.    Members of the committee are decided annually by the FWCT Annual Conference

2.    Members are representatives of various departments of the Church that include:

a. Schools

b. Management

c. Finance

d. Education

e. Local Congregations

f. STC Student Body

g. College Management

h. College Academics

i. Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother Halaevalu Mata’aho is the longest member of the Committee at the moment

i)     STC operates under the governance and control of the Sia’atoutai Committee and its Board of Studies where whom vested the authority of the FWC Conference and Constitution

(1)   The Role of the Sia’atoutai Committee includes

(a) Ensure achievement of college’s objectives

(b) Ensure implementation of quality theological education in the College

(c) Check and resolve on quality process and improvements

(d) Receive and comment on students academic records and performance

(e) Receive and comment on probationary ministers’ performance

(f) Receive and comment on candidates to ministry

(g) Authorize faculty developments

(h) Review College faculty members and staffs

(i) Receive and decide on academic applications and admissions

(j) Receive and decide on new appointments made in the College

(k) Receive and resolve on all complains from College officials and students

(l) Review College policies and guidelines from time to time

(m) Authorize strategic developments and projects

(n) Approve and report College matters to the General Conference

b)   Board of Studies

i) Oversee all academic developments in the College

ii) Ensure quality theological and ministerial education

iii) Advise the Sia’atoutai Committee on matters relating to:

(1) Academic quality process and improvements

(2) Students’ academic results and performance

(3) Faculty members’ quality performance

iv) Faculty Review process

v) Ensure achievement of academic objectives

c)   Administration and Management

i) The College management is an appointment of the FWCT General Conference

ii) The Principal carries the sole authority in managing and directing STC operations and objectives

iii) The Principal acts on a Management Team (MT) base governance model endorsed by the Sia’atoutai Committee.

iv) The Management Team includes:

  • Principal
  • Dean of Studies
  • Head Tutor
  • Coordinator of Probationary Ministers Program

(1) Authority

(a) MT assumes its authority from the Sia’atoutai Committee and Board of Studies

(b) MT acts under the jurisdiction of the Principal of the College

(c) MT aims at:

(i) Providing a quality process of governance and administration in the College

(ii) Ensuring quality theological and ministerial leadership

(iii) Ensuring a student friendly and FWCT environment of study

(2)   Responsibility

(a) All appointments to the Management Team are of the General Conference of the FWCT which is held annually

(b) The Management Team acts under the jurisdiction of the Principal of the College

(c) The Principal is responsible for:

(i) Chairing the Management Meeting

(ii) Implementing

1. Quality leadership and governance in the College Community

2. Strategic management policies and regulations

3. Quality assurance processes for all College programs

4. Timely managing and organizing skills in the College

(iii) Ensuring:

1. Internal assurance of quality process and improvements of all performances in the College

(iv) Directing and Managing financial affairs of the College

1. Implementing strategic and secure financial plans and decision makings

2. Exploring and establishing new financial avenues and resources

(v) Implementing of all meetings’ resolutions concerning the College

(vi) Advising the General Conference on things deemed relevant for the development and progression of quality theological and ministerial education in the College

1. Show creative and constructive academic plans

2. Recruiting quality performance and open-minded faculty personnel

3. Recruiting quality performance students

4. Ensuring stability of theological disciplines

5. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the College through implementation of quality assessment processes and improvements

(vii) Provide the Sia’atoutai Committee with strategic advise on decisions made on matters relating to:

1. Termination of membership to both students and staffs of the College

2. Removal of any member of the STC community from the College

3. Faculty and Staff members’ appraisal performances

(viii) Allocating of Staffs’ accommodation

(ix) Establishing an innovative plan for Staff developments and sabbaticals

(x) Preparing and performing the Annual Report of the College to the Conference

(d) Dean of Studies is responsible for:

(i) Chairing the Faculty Meeting

(ii) Directing and Monitoring all academic affairs in the College

1. Establishing creative platforms and guidelines for quality theological education

2. Implementing strategic plans for quality process and improvements

3. Setting academic guidelines for teaching and learning methods

(iii) Advising Management on matters relating to the development of academic programs

1. Creating innovative academic platforms for teaching and learning processes

2. Ensuring achievements of academic objectives

3. Reviewing and reporting all academic developments in the College to Management

(iv) Implementing Management resolutions concerning quality processes and improvements

(e) The Head Tutor is responsible for:

(i) Chairing the community meeting

(ii) Overseeing the extra-curriculum activities in the College

(iii) Monitoring community worships and services

(iv) Counseling and pastoring members of the Community

(v) Ensuring stability and continuity in the college community

(vi) Ensuring the security and safety of the community members

(vii) Allocating of students’ accommodation

(viii) Keeping the Roll Calls of students

(f)  Coordinator of Probationary Ministers’ Program

(i) Keeping the records of probationary ministers

(ii) Recommending names and records for progression

(iii) Monitoring assessments of probationary ministers:

1. Preaching and Sermon

2. Gardening

3. Recording

(iv) Advising the Principal and MT on performance assessment and improvement strategies

(v) Ensuring achievement of objectives

(vi) Recommending quality assurance strategies for the program

(vii) Coordinating program of studies for probationary ministers