a) Courses
- All courses to be offered in Sia’atoutai Theological College need the approval of the Academic Administration and the Board of Studies.
- No College official has the liberty to teach or assess a course not being approved by the Board of Studies
b) Course Pass/Fail Option
- You can file for the pass/fail option through WISER at any time after your initial registration until the deadline.
- If you receive a grade of "F," it will count as a failure and against your cumulative average.
- If you successfully complete the course, you will earn a grade of "P" and the course will be counted toward your graduation requirements, but it will not affect your cumulative grade point average.
- Undergraduate students may take one course each semester on a pass/fail basis, up to a maximum of eight. (Mandatory pass/fail courses do not count toward this limit.)
- You cannot cancel a pass/fail choice after the deadline.
c) Repeating a Course. The policy is as follows:
- You may repeat any course regardless of the grade you earned in the course with the exception of courses taught in sequential order
- You may not repeat a course if it is the pre-requisite for a more advanced course you have already taken and passed. No exceptions to this rule.
- You may repeat a course only once.
- You may choose to exercise the option of repeating courses only four times in your undergraduate career.
- If you choose to repeat a course, only the second grade will be counted toward your grade point average and you will only receive graduation credit for the second course
- The course repeated must be identical to the first course taken (same department, course number and title)
d) Course Incomplete Grade Policy
- The grade incomplete (INC) is reported only where a portion of the assigned or required class work, or the final examination, has not been completed because of serious illness, extreme personal circumstances, or scholarly reasons at the request of the lecturer.
- If your record is such that you would fail the course regardless of your missing work, you will fail.
- Permission of the lecturer must be obtained and the form for Grade Incomplete must be completed.
- If you are receiving the grade of incomplete (INC), you are allowed up to one year in which to complete the course.
- The new grade must be submitted to the Registrar by the grading deadline for that semester, i.e., by the end of the next second semester for the second semester incompletes.
- The grade for any course not completed by this deadline will be converted to the grade of 'F'.
- The incomplete contract will require the following signatures:
- Student
- Lecturer
- Signature of receipt from the department in which the course is taught
- The signed incomplete contract will be distributed to:
- Student –copy
- Lecturer – copy
- Department in which the course is taught -copy
- Office if the Registrar – original
- Grade processing will be done by the Office of the Registrar upon receipt of the signed incomplete contract
- Student –copy
- Lecturer – copy
- Department in which the course is taught -copy
- Office if the Registrar – original
- Similar to the change of grade process, only faculty and authorized department staff may deliver incomplete contracts to the Office of Registrar.
e) Class Attendance
- Attendance and participation in regularly schedule class meetings are fundamental parts of the learning process and key factors in academic success.
- Students are responsible for adhering to course attendance policies, just as they are responsible for completing course assignments.
- Attendance policies should be clearly stated in each course syllabus, including whether any portion of a student’s grade is based on attendance and/or class participation.
- Lecturers reserve the right to adjust grades due to unexcused absences, provided they state this clearly in the course syllabus.
- Students who have extended absences from class, whether excused or unexcused, should talk with their lecturer to discuss whether successful completion of the course is possible.
- While the College has no institutional attendance policy, it does excuse absences in the cases described below. Excused absences include:
(1) Religious observances
(a) Any student can excuse himself or herself due to religious functions or activities required by the Church or College
(2) Civil Reason
(a)Jury duty, military obligations or other governmental obligations.
(3) Health Reasons
(a)Students may be asked to provide appropriate documentation from their health care providers, within the limits of the health care provider’s policy.
(b) Absences due to pregnancy or related conditions shall be excused for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences medically necessary.
(c) Illness or injury to the student; death, injury or serious illness of an immediate family member.
(d) Students may be asked to provide appropriate documentation from their health care providers, within the limits of the health care providers’ policies, or other appropriate offices. Students should notify lecturers as soon as possible in the event of this type of absence.
(e)In the event of an emergency (automobile accident, for example), students may be asked to provide appropriate documentation and should notify instructors as soon as possible. It is expected that these events will be rare. - Instructors are under no obligation to allow students to make up work for unexcused absences.
- In cases where unusual circumstances cause a student to miss a significant amount of class time for reasons beyond the student’s control, the student should confer with the Dean of Studies who will determine the best course of action.
- In general, students who miss a significant portion of class meetings, whether due to excused absences or unexcused absences, are advised to resit the course in the next available session.
- Students should note that failure to attend class does not constitute withdrawal. Lecturers should assign the letter grade of “F” to students who do not drop or withdraw from a course by the published deadlines.
- Students who have questions about attendance policies should consult first with the lecturer, and then, if necessary, with the Management Team through the Dean of Studies.
f) Course Codes
i) The College course code consists of four (4) components, hereafter named in their proceeding order:
1) Department code (in letters)
2) Semester Number (in numbers 1, 2)
3) Level of Study (in number 5, 6, 7)
Letter System |
Discipline |
BS |
Biblical Studies |
TH |
Theology and Ethics |
CH |
Study of History |
PT |
Practical Theology |
WS |
Women’s Program |