a) All students have rights to complaint and appeal in situation of dissatisfaction and disagreement.
b) Structure of Appeal: Following is the structure through which an appeal or complaint could follow.
i) Village Stewards
(1) Each village has a Village Steward whose role is to assist the Village Minister (who is normally a faculty member) in the task of caring and counseling of the village. The concerning student must first consult his or her village steward in all cases that picked to his or her concern. The Village Steward may or may not be able to settle the case at the first place.
ii) Village Ministers
(1) In case that the concerning student is not satisfied or would like to take his case to a higher level of authority he or she must inform the Village Minister. The Village Minister has the power to investigate the case for a proper judgment.
iii) Head Tutor
(1) The student can seek private appointments with the Head Tutor for advise
(2) The Head Tutor is the chairperson in this meeting
(3) He carries the authority to counsel and advice on matters relating to the case.
(4) He has the right to receive information from other bodies relating to the case in a meeting called under his jurisdiction.
(5) Matters relating to moral misconducts and community affairs have to go through this channel. Matters that cannot be settled at this level shall seek the intelligence and opinion of the Faculty Meeting via the Head Tutor.
iv) Management
(1) Where there is no satisfaction found in above authorities, you may seek the ruling of the Management
(a) You in a form of an appeal letter writes to the Management detailing the nature, date and time, involved personnel, etc., of the issue
(b) The Management in response:
(i) Call the person appealing for interview
(ii) Conduct full investigation of the issue
(iii) Response to the issue no later than a week or two depending on the nature of the issue
(iv) In cases relating to community life the Management decision is final
(v) In case relating to academic matters the Board of Studies and the Sia’atoutai Committee
(c) All final decisions made on any matters relating to the college and students are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Studies and the Sia’atoutai Committee.